Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
The pen tool is used to make accurate lines and curves.
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too.
Using the subselection arrow, click on the anchor you wish to change and move it as you wish. The pen+ tool allows you to add anchors, while the pen- tool allows you to remove anchors. The path can then be converted into a line or shape.

How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
You can have different elements or parts of elements of the design on individual layers. you can then choose to hide them from view or lock them in place. Locked layers cannot be manipulated until they are unlocked.

How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
Create a shape over the items you wish to clip. then select everything you wish to clip plus the shape over it, and go into object>Clipping Mask>Make.

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