Thursday, September 15, 2011

Examples of the 5 elements of design


This older drug advertisement shows a proper demonstration of space. It shows three different drugs, each in their own cube. The sides display a brief description of what the drug does, and also what might also be in it.


This image, part of an ad campaign for Apple's iPod, is a good demonstration of Value. The silhouette is supposed to give the audience a message that they will feel this good if they use the product.


This is a good demonstration of space. It gives the audience a chance to rest their eyes on other parts of the ad.


This ad is a good example of texture. It looks as if one could really feel the grass seen in the ad, or the pavement/dirt.


This design is an example of lines. The rainbow seen is not curved, like natural rainbows, and is zig-zagging downward. It is supposed to mean something, but I personally cannot see it.

The images seen in this entry were found on Google for the use of examples.

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