Target audience- the group of people you want to get your message across.
Message- a communication either verbally or visually
Work ethic- values held by oneself in the workplace.
Employability skills- skills that help someone get hired AND maintain that job position.
20/20 Rule- every 20 minutes, look away for 20 seconds.
Right-To-Know Laws- employees must be aware of risks taken when performing jobs of any kind.
Icon- A simple image briefly displaying an idea or theme.
Vector-based graphics- Graphics made through lines and geometric shapes and calculations. When done correctly, they retain their quality no matter what size they are in.
Specs/specifications of a project- The format of the project, including size, criteria, content, ect.
Dialog box (within an application)-message indicating an error, or other complication.
Palette (within an application)-A list of colors that can be used within the application.
Guidelines- lines that mark a certain spot on the document. These are not seen when exporting or printing.
Extensions- the format in which a file is saved (Ex: .doc, .png, .jpg)
Contextual Menu- a small pop-up menu that provides several choices in context to what is being interacted with.
Clipping mask- a way of removing unwanted parts of an image without deleting them.
Hue- another word for color.
Primary Colors- Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Secondary Colors- Made by mixing primary colors (purple, green, and blue)
Tertiary Colors- made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. (red-orange, blue-green)
Neutral Colors- Colors that do not appear on the color wheel (black, white, brown)
Continuous Tone Image- An image where 1 pixel represents 1 color.
Resolution- number of pixels line up horizontally by vertically (ex. 8x11). The higher the numbers, the more detailed the picture.
File Size- How much space a file takes up digitally. The bigger the number, the more space required to hold it. (KB < MB < GB)
Ligatures- two or more graphemes joined as a single glyph.
Ampersand- "&" (stands for and)
Small Caps- like all caps, but smaller.
Lowercase- letters like these. the term comes from the fact they were placed on the lower case of a printing press.
Uppercase- LETTERS LIKE THESE. the term comes from the fact that they were kept on the upper case of a printing press.
Flush Left- Everything aligns to the left.
Flush Right- Everything aligns to the right.
Centered- Everything aligns in the middle. VERY FORMAL.
Justified- aligns left and right. Looks like a block.
Lining- numerals have uniform units of space.
Nonlining- numerals have a small body size plus acenders and descender.
Leading- space inbetween lines of type.
Margins- Empty space between content and the edge of the paper. In InDesign, all important elements are kept within margins.
Kerning- allows you to change the amount of spacing in between two lines of type.
Tracking- Allows you to change the space between characters in type.
Concept- An idea. Something formed in one's mind.
Final Product- What the target audience will eventually see. The end result.
Thumbnail - quick sketches to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.
Initial Cap - a larger, decorative, capital letter at the beginning of text or paragraph.